Harris Place Preliminary development features a cul-de-sac with 9 custom-built, single-family, detached homes on lots ranging from 7,473-9,786 SQ FT. Homes range from 3,281 to 4,688 SQ FT, 4-6 bedrooms w/ equivalent bathrooms, 3 car garages pre-wired to provide 240V electrical capacity to accommodate future electric vehicle charging equipment.
Close proximity to A+ rated Chandler schools, Basis, and Skyline, 4 miles to Intel. Don’t miss the chance to turn your dreams into reality and own this unparalleled property in paradise!
The Following Actions Are In Process:
Annexation from Unincorporated Maricopa County Rural 43 (RU-43) to Planned Area Development Overlay (PAD) for Single-Family Residential.
The staff approval with the city of Chandler has been completed. Development plan will be on the docket for council approval as early as the end of September and/or as late as end October.
The proposed development features nine (9), custom-built, single-family, detached homes featured on lots ranging from 7,473-9,786 square feet (average lot area 8,371 square feet). This proposal will yield a quaint neighborhood which utilizes currently underdeveloped land in a manner commensurate with the nearby Kerby Estates subdivision and Paseo Vista Park.
Housing Product
Traditional Ranch, Desert Southwest, Mediterranean, and Modern Contemporary theme options are provided with the building elevations. The custom housing product will comply with the City of Chandler Residential Development Standards and the SECAP Single Family Residential Guidelines. As a small lot, custom home project, the project avoids “sameness” and yet provides for desirable unifying elements. There are nine unique elevation facades with additional variable material options on each design.
Each home has 360-degree architecture and provides unique architectural elements such as arches, decorative wrought iron elements, and popouts.
The livable square footage in these custom home’s ranges from 3,281 to 4,688 square feet. Each home has a three-car garage and 4-6 bedrooms with a commensurate number of bathrooms. Garages will be pre-wired to provide 240V electrical capacity necessary to accommodate future electric vehicle charging equipment.
The Harris Place project will provide a high-quality custom home product within the City of Chandler which appropriately transitions to surrounding neighborhoods and contributes to additional housing choices in this area.